在石油和天然气钻井过程中,一般浅井会用到水基泥浆,深井会用到油基泥浆,常规固控设备能够有效的回收重金石和有用的钻井液项部分,这些含有重金属和化合物的固相部分如果不经处理随意排放,长期沉淀就会对附近的植被,土壤,地下水等自然环境造和人类的生存环境造成很大的危害。 随着环保要求的不断提高,对钻井现场岩屑处理提出了更高的要求,钻井废弃物处理净化系统的出现,不仅能非常好的解决现场环境问题,同时能对现场固控系统产生的废弃物进行二次的回收处理,能最大化的保留有用泥浆的同时,对再处理后的钻屑进行集中固化处理,降低现场作业对于周围环境的破坏。 Drilling waste management has put forward higher requirements with the constant improvement of the environmental protection requirement. Drilling waste purification system can not only be very good to solve the environmental problems, but also can do recycling to the waste of the solid control system. While drilling cutting management system maximize retains the useful mud, and it concentrated solidify after processing of drilling cuttings. That helps to reduce the destruction of the environment in oil filed worker.